Salat al-Kusuf may be on some Muslims minds with the upcoming solar eclipse on 8 APR 2024, some Muslims may or may not know of the special eclipse prayer.While it is recommended to perform the eclipse prayer throughout the entire eclipse, it is also perfectly acceptable to observe the eclipse on your own. While typically it is a prayer performed in congregation, it is allowed to be performed individually as well.
How to perform Salat al-Kusuf
Okay, so how do you perform the eclipse prayer? The eclipse prayer is a two-unit prayer consisting of four ruku and four sajdahs, Here are the steps;
- Perform al-Fatiha and a lengthy Surah
- Perform ruku (Bow)
- Rise and repeat step 1
- Bow
- Rise
- Perform Sujood
Repeat these six steps once more and you will have performed the eclipse prayer.
Recommended Surahs for Salat al-Kusuf
A recommended Surah to recite is Al-Baqarah, or one of similar length. The Surah recited in the second raka’ah does not need to be as long, the recommended surah is Surah Al ‘Imran. Dua al-Istifah is also recommended to be recited.
In conclusion, the consensus on the eclipse prayer is that it is not wajib. While recommended, it is not obligatory. There are no restrictions on Muslims viewing the eclipse on their own, though be sure to wear the proper protection and not stare directly into the eclipse! While the sun is covered the corona can still be damaging to your eyes.
Salat al-Kusuf not wajib- https://www.al-islam.org/prayer-salat-according-five-islamic-schools-law-muhammad-jawad-mughniyya/prayer-eclipses#:~:text=The%20four%20Sunni%20schools%20observe,emphasized%20sunnah%2C%20but%20not%20wajib.
Recommended Surahs and how to perform-
Video on how to perform-
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