Avoiding extravagance during Eid

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said “Eat, drink, give charity, and dress well as long as it is not extravagant and with arrogance”

Reputed Scholars from around the world have condemned the way some Muslims Celebrate Eid. It is Forbidden (haram) to spend lavishly on any occasion. We must keep in mind what the Muslim ummah is going through nowadays. Consider the atrocities in Palestine, the starvation the people of Gaza and Yemen, and in other parts of the world; the ummah is suffering from oppression and discrimination. There is extreme poverty, starvation, and death.

Islamic Scholar Shaykh Musaddeq Al-Amri remarked “On Special occasions, especially during Eid, the rich spend lavishly on clothes, food, gifts etc. to show off their wealth. This is unacceptable in Islam.”

It has been observed that people go beyond their means to celebrate Eid despite knowing it is forbidden in Islam. Paying your Zakat is fard, beyond that, if you can help the poor, you should do so. Of course, you should spend on yourself and your family but not to an unreasonable extent.

It is best to celebrate Eid with new, simple clothes, some food and with your beloved family members, relatives, and close friends. There is no need to spend abundantly with the intention to show off or compete with others, also, be mindful that you are not being wasteful with food. The Qur’an categorically teaches us to live within our means.

In some countries we see people borrowing money specifically to buy new clothes and celebrate Eid. This practice is not encouraged in Islam. Allah SWT does not look at your clothes or looks, He looks at your deeds and piety.

In conclusion, be humble and modest. Allah SWT does not expect you to, nor should you, flaunt wealth if you have it. Consider what the Muslim Ummah is going through in the world today.

Written by: Sameer Menon

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Avoiding extravagance during Eid

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